About me

Hello, Welcome to Handcrafty. I’m Pamela, a passionate mother who went to school for psychology and anthropology but has an innate love for the arts and crafts since childhood. Growing up in a household where creativity flowed effortlessly I was inspired by my dad who has as a hobby and second vocation oil painting and my mom who as a hobby was a skilled seamstress and even candle crafter. Surrounded by the magic of handmade creations and customizable things I developed a deep appreciation for the artistry that goes into crafting beautiful and unique items. Whether it’s painting, sewing, crafting or exploring the intricacies of woodwork, I find joy in the process of bringing ideas to life with my own hands, and being able to wear them, use them or print them in everyday items. In my online store, you’ll discover a collection of handmade and customized items that will be the perfect way to preserve a memory, to give to somebody as a meaningful gift or to enjoy it yourself. Everything is made with love.